- 1
Problem with basic example standard form
#57 opened by gminorcoles - 1
Indexing and slicing in QMCL problem strings
#56 opened by JosepVirgili - 2
How to represent the frobenius norm in QCML?
#55 opened by dgrnbrg - 7
Issue building with ECOS
#53 opened by dgrnbrg - 13
problem: error in
#45 opened by steve3141 - 3
bug? scalar parameter offset
#50 opened by steve3141 - 4
problem in python prob_to_socp
#52 opened by steve3141 - 0
- 0
The solution struct: _sol and _vars
#46 opened by alexvoronov - 2
Problem: wrong solutions?
#47 opened by steve3141 - 3
Dimensions not recorded in QCML object?
#49 opened by mageecoe - 4
General questions
#48 opened by alexvoronov - 6
- 7
- 2
Question: norm(x, p)?
#43 opened by steve3141 - 1
- 0
Support for complex variables
#40 opened by echu - 4
QCML codegen function
#35 opened by echu - 0
Codegen strictly from left to right
#27 opened by echu - 0
Simplify on the fly
#21 opened by echu - 0
Should we use metaclasses for atoms?
#17 opened by echu - 1
Mangle user variables / parameters.
#16 opened by echu - 0
For loops, slicing, etc.
#15 opened by echu - 0
CVX code generation for verification
#4 opened by echu - 0
Come up with a new name
#10 opened by echu - 0
Convert dictionary to expression tree
#13 opened by echu - 0
Should we have dimension variables?
#14 opened by echu - 0
Add transpose operator
#11 opened by echu - 0
Create closure for generating solvers in Python
#7 opened by echu - 0
Redefine the way shape inference takes place.
#12 opened by echu - 0
Ability to parse second-order cone expressions
#3 opened by echu - 0
Fix lookup for composed atoms
#5 opened by echu - 1
Add concatenation behavior
#9 opened by echu - 0
Add pow_rat atom
#1 opened by echu - 0
Ability to parse linear expressions
#2 opened by echu - 0
Unit tests
#8 opened by echu - 0
User guide
#6 opened by echu