Multi-threaded Roblox Username Checker using the official Roblox API. Handles rate-limits and etc. Don't leech, feel free to fork.
This program will create a folder named "valids" and automatically append/create text-files for each amount of characters.
Feel free to improve it and use this code as a base. Although credit for any project wether open-source or closed-source would be appreciated. It's really nothing special. It's just a web request spammer made by someone with no python knowledge.
1. Download/Clone repository
2. Extract/Open
3. Open cmd/powershell/terminal
4. pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Run: python
It takes the following:
- Username length [INT]
- Allow numbers [Y/N]
- Allow underscores [Y/N]
- Number of valid usernames [INT]
- Amount of threads to use [INT]