
The Recruiter Web app that scrape the details of the students activities from online competitive platforms and represented in a structured way to the recruiter.

Primary LanguageJava


Our project is built to serve the purpose of simplifying and enchancing recruitment process in industries. The companies just need to float a form. The form asks information from student about user details of competitive programming sites (like codechef, hackerrank) or development platform (like github). After successful submission of the form, the user's performance and contribution on those sites will be extracted. This information will be represented in a csv file. The web App is designed for students and Interviewers.



Application Form

Application Form

Key Features

  • Auto scraping of data from sites like codechef, hackerrank, github
  • Send scraped info of applicants back to them as csv file via email
  • Side by side comparision of data of all applicants.
  • Invite selected applicants for further recruitment process via email

Tech Stack

  • Servlet
  • Java JDK 9 for server-side management
  • Apache Tomcat 8.0
  • Postgres 9.4 as database
  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap for frontend UI
  • JavaScript for client side scripting


All dependencies are available in folder called AllExternalJARS

How to run

  1. Open folder WP in folder called IntegretedProject in Eclipse.
  2. Import dependencies from folder called AllExternalJARS.
    Note:- Jaunt expires every month and needs to be updated. Download latest jar from Here.
  3. Execute the SQL script in testDB.txt in postgres
  4. Run the project as server in eclipse
  5. Access the website on localhost


To watch complete the video on youtube click Here