
A full-stack game where players enroll in a coding Bootcamp

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Full Stack is a game where you are a software bootcamp student.

Your goal is to reach to CEO by completing all the previous levels.

Complete a level by learning 3 different technologies in any order you want.

Check your schedule for the next sprint to start playing!

Once you have master your developer skill, you will have to pass the assessment to prove your knowledge.

Be careful with bugs!

Demo Video

This video was prepared by our team using Adobe Premiere for editing and Audacity for the voice-overs.

It is meant to appeal to both a technical audience and the stakeholders.

About the project

Full Stack is being developed by the following people:

Gil Ron David Pablo Viktor
GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub
LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn LinkedIn


Full Stack is a full stack serverless application deployed on https://full-stuck.com


The frontend is hosted on Amazon S3 and we are using Amazon Cloudfront as CDN to improve performance.

The backend is implemented with Amazon Gateway, Amazon Lambda and Mongo Atlas.

This architecture has the following characteristics:

  • auto-scalable
  • maintaince-free
  • cost-effective

Development cycle

We have also implemented a very simple “continuous delivery / continuous integration “ process with Github Actions.

For example, a pull request to dev or main will automatically deploy the branch we are trying to merge.

Thanks to this, we improve our testing and reviewing procedures before every merge.


Run the project

Check for the readme.md inside client and backend folders for the instructions on how to run this project.