
A journal for keeping notes on whisky

Primary LanguageJava


A command line journal for keeping track of whisky inventory and reviews



  • To run, please compile and run the java files:

    javac *.java
    java UserInterface
  • Enter help to see a list of available commands

  • Inventory is stored in a csv file, inventory.csv

Inventory System

  • addinv - add item to invenory
  • clearinv - clear current inventory
  • delinv - delete item from inventory
  • printinv - print inventory
  • printinvcount - print inventory, sorted by count
  • reminv - remove or decrement inventory total for an item
  • searchinv - search inventory for item(s) by name
  • writeinv - write current inventory to file

Journal System

  • addinfo - add info to an existing entry
  • entry - create new entry
  • entries - print entries
  • printentry - print entry by id number
  • searchname - search journal for entries with matching name"


  • Inventory count update needs to be case-independent

  • Fix error handling procedures

  • Implement entry storage

  • Implement entry system

    • add entry with multiple notes
    • add entry update methods
  • Change inventory file from test file


Many thanks to my CS professor, Tim McInerney, for the Java knowledge and inspiration.