Swipe between ViewControllers like in the Spotify or Twitter app with an interactive Segmented Control in the Navigation Bar
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XCTest/XCTest.h not found
#37 opened by chirag912 - 0
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How can I hide navigation bar completely?
#46 opened by hiren43 - 0
Change button colors on click
#45 opened by ZeenathYousuff - 0
Back Button on navigation bar
#44 opened by erum88 - 1
How to adjust height of the buttons/tabs?
#26 opened by rustanacexd - 2
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i want to add a back button on the nav Bar
#40 opened by ritesh124 - 1
viewWillAppear causes controller to initialize again
#27 opened by D-32 - 0
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Can it be used with UISearchController?
#38 opened by khunshan - 2
interface error
#23 opened by whytimber - 2
Height Of view controller
#34 opened by Big-al - 1
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How to implement controller lazy loading
#35 opened by Rakutou - 0
how can i push the RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers in a uinavigationviewcontroller
#33 opened by holyen - 0
How to dismiss it
#32 opened by ThierryFerreira - 2
Method 'syncScrollView'
#31 opened by leekyungmoon - 0
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#29 opened by hhanesand - 0
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bounces = NO can't swipe
#25 opened by ipad4 - 2
Is there a way to turn off swiping animation for controllers at beginning and end?
#19 opened by theluxury - 1
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Swift Demo
#22 opened by datomnurdin - 2
the project has some crashes
#21 opened by whytimber - 8
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how add this RKswipeBetweenVC
#9 opened by Aashu43 - 1
How can I move the tab to bottom?
#17 opened by dickfalaDeveloper - 3
Cannot find protocol declaration for nsobject
#11 opened by fuermosi777 - 5
Diagonal Dragging
#14 opened by kyco16 - 1
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Putting this into one UIViewController
#13 opened by kyco16 - 1
Clunk Control.
#12 opened by MHaroonBaig - 1
First Controller Behaviour
#8 opened by marcelosalloum - 1
Updated version for unlimited tabs
#3 opened by vlietz - 3
MFMailComposeViewController is crash
#2 opened by SPFCXQ - 3
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Add Child View Controllers
#5 opened by GabrielMSharp - 2
How to set a navigation title?
#4 opened by sunnyyoung