
Leaflet map layer for showing radar and satellite data from Weather Underground

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Leaflet map layer for showing radar and satellite data from Weather Underground

To use this add a reference to the wunderground.layer.js file then you can add it to your map

    appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
    apiRef: 'YOUR_REF_ID'

To get an app/ref Id you can go to http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/ to sign up for a free account

Example image


Option Purpose
appId Required to identify your code to the wunderground API
apiRef Used to identify your app for referrals
opacity Change opacity of layer, default is 0.35

Get It

From here or install using npm

npm install leaflet-wunderground

Can I help to improve it and/or fix bugs?

Absolutely! Please feel free to raise issues, fork the source code, send pull requests, etc.

No pull request is too small. Even whitespace fixes are appreciated.