
A site created to connect local users to the favorite sporting pick-up games around their area.

Primary LanguageJavaScript




A site to help connect locals for pick up games around the area.

Main Features:

Check out posted events on the google map Vistors may signup Log in/ Log out

Registered users may:

RSVP a spot for an event Cancel their RSVP for an event Create/Post new events Delete events that they created A User Dashboard "My Events" where a user can view events they have created and events they plain to attend.


React (version: 16.4.1)

React Router with React-router-dom (version: 4.3.1)

  • A React routing library
  • Used to setup different pages for Home, My Events, Sign Up, and Log in

Axios (version: 0.18.0)

  • Promise base HTTP client for the browser and node.js
  • Make http request to the backend and APIs

Google-maps-react (version: 2.0.2)

  • A declarative Google Map React component that uses Google Maps API
  • Use as a feature of the project

Google GeoCode API

  • A service that provides geocoding and reverse geocoding of addresses
  • Google Map API uses geographic coordinates to place markers on the map.
  • Google GeoCode API helps convert a location into a geograpic coordinates.
  • When the user create a new event, user must specify location of city and state. Once that infomation is given, it pass to Google GeoCode API using a GET request and the API returns geographic coordinates that best matches the provided location.

React-date-picker (version: 6.10.4)

  • A simple date picker component for React
  • A feature provided in 'Create Event'

Backend using Java, Spring(Boot, MVC, Security), and H2 database


Deployed to the cloud using Heroku