
Age map of Cuyahoga County

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Cuyahoga County Age Map

Map of number of Cleveland residents by census tract.

Converting ESRI shapefile to TopoJSON format

Make sure that ogr2 and TopoJSON are installed properly, see "Let's make a map!" (http://bost.ocks.org/mike/map/) for further instructions

tl_2013_39_tract.shp (via http://catalog.data.gov/dataset/tiger-line-shapefile-2013-state-ohio-current-census-tract-state-based) cuyahoga-youth2.csv

Take the census tract data for Cuyahoga County, ID 035

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -where "COUNTYFP = '035'" input35.json tl_2013_39_tract.shp

Add attributes to the GeoJSON file, mapping the id property from the shapefile (originally) to the column title in the csv file

topojson \
-o outputYouth.json \
-e cuyahoga-youth2.csv \
--id-property=+NAME,+CensusTract \
-p total00=+total00 \
-p total10=+total10 \
-- input35.json 

Note: delete tract 9900, as it represents the lake itself and does not contain useful information (to the best of my knowledge).