

In this project, you will put your HTML and CSS skills to the test by creating a website for a beach resort from a set of images. This is a very common practice. Often, a client will provide you with a mock up of a site they would like to create and you will need to translate it to HTML and CSS.

Setup your repository

Sign up for Project

Sign up for the project repository here: https://classroom.github.com/a/M6CiLTpi

After your repository has initialized it, clone it to your computer. I recommend putting it in your ap-csp directory.

After you've cloned your repository, run the setup.sh script in the root of that repository to initialize it's configuration.

Upon completion it should display a message similar to this one:

#                                                    #
# git checkout -b develop                            #
#                                                    #
# FOLLOWING COMMAND:                                 #
#                                                    #
# git push -u origin develop                         #
#                                                    #
# `develop`  BRANCH TO THE `main` BRANCH BY VISITING #
# THIS REPO ON GITHUB, CLICKING `Pull Requests`      #
# THEN `New pull request`. THE BASE BRANCH SHOULD BE #
# `main` and THE COMPARE BRANCH SHOULD BE `develop`. #
#                                                    #
# WORK.                                              #

Follow the directions to create a develop branch as well as pushing your develop branch to Github.

Finally, create a pull request from your develop branch to the main branch and assign jcollard as a reviewer.





Beach Resort Reference Files

For this project, you are tasked with creating 7 html files. The overall look and feel of each of these files are in the references directory of this repository.

Mouse Over CSS

To receive the Advanced score on this project, you must implement CSS to make various ares of the web page change when the mouse hovers over them.

W3Schools provides a pretty good set of examples on how to accomplish this in different ways: How TO - Image Hover Overlay

Here are a list of required hover elements to receive a full Advanced score:


Milestone 1

Due: Friday November 6th @ 8am

For the first Milestone:

  1. Create a develop branch
  2. Create a Pull Request to your develop branch.
  3. Create a new directory inside this repository called resort.
  4. Create an index HTML page with the same background as the reference image
  5. Create a Horizontal Navigation Bar containing an anchor tag for all 7 pages (the pages do not need to exist yet)

Tips for Completion:

All of the images used on this side are available in the images directory of this repository. Images that will be useful to complete the index page:

  • The background of the site is bg-pattern.jpg.
  • The bg-navigation.png is used as a base for the menu. This isn't necessary, you may choose a solid color or a different pattern if you prefer.
  • The bg-menu.png is used to create the gradient bars around the menu items. This is optional. You may choose a solid color if you prefer.

Bonus: Add Hover Colors to the Menu

To receive the Advanced score on this project, you will need to implement mouse over interactions for the top menu. There is a tutorial for how you might accomplish this on W3Schools: How TO - Image Hover Overlay

Top Menu

All code that you would like to count toward your evaluation should be part of a tag on in your repository called milestone-1. This can be created by running git tag milestone-1. Then push your tag to your repository by running git push -u origin milestone-1 The date of this tag creation will be used to determine when your work was submitted.

Milestone 2

Due: Thursday November 12th @ 8am

Finish the index.html page for the Beach Resort:

  • Add in a beach image
  • Add in text to fill in the space. You can write your own promo text OR you can utilize the Lorem Ipsum Generator.
  • Add in a bottom navigation bar
  • Bonus: Add Mouse Over to the bottom nav bar
  • Bonus: Add social media links to the bottom nav bar

Bonus: Add Social Media Icons

There are social media icons in the provided images directory. They are all included in a single file: images/icons.png.

Social Media Icons

Images being placed in a single file in this way are typically referred to as a Sprite Sheet. W3Schools provides a tutorial for utilizing sprites in this way: CSS Image Sprites

All code that you would like to count toward your evaluation should be part of a tag on in your repository called milestone-2. This can be created by running git tag milestone-2. Then push your tag to your repository by running git push -u origin milestone-2 The date of this tag creation will be used to determine when your work was submitted.

Milestone 3

Duplicate the index.html file six times to create templates for the remaining pages: about.html, rooms.html, dive.html, food.html, news.html, contact.html.

Next, add content to two of these pages to match their reference file.

Due: Monday November 16th @ 8am

All code that you would like to count toward your evaluation should be part of a tag on in your repository called milestone-3. This can be created by running git tag milestone-3. Then push your tag to your repository by running git push -u origin milestone-3 The date of this tag creation will be used to determine when your work was submitted.

Milestone 4

Complete content for at least 5 of the pages for the Beach Resort site.

Due: Thursday November 19th @ 8am

All code that you would like to count toward your evaluation should be part of a tag on in your repository called milestone-4. This can be created by running git tag milestone-4. Then push your tag to your repository by running git push -u origin milestone-4 The date of this tag creation will be used to determine when your work was submitted.

Milestone 5

The entire beach resort site should be completed.

Due: Monday November 23rd @ 8am

All code that you would like to count toward your evaluation should be part of a tag on in your repository called milestone-5. This can be created by running git tag milestone-5. Then push your tag to your repository by running git push -u origin milestone-5 The date of this tag creation will be used to determine when your work was submitted.


Computational Thinking

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of basic HTML tags and how they interact with CSS to create a rich user experience.

Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic
Completes all 7 pages Completes at least 5 pages Student successfully completes the index.html page Student does not create an index.html page that matches the reference image
Adds hover to all sections noted in Mouse Over CSS section Completes a functional Top Navigation Bar that works on all pages Student creates a css file that connects to the index.html page Little or no CSS Styling
Adds Social Media Links to the bottom navigation bar Completes a function Bottom Navigation Bar that works on all pages

Computing, Programming, and Practice

This section covers how organized and readable your code is as well as your ability to follow the commit guidelines and templates.

Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic
All of the student's HTML and CSS are well indented The majority of the HTML / CSS is well formatted and indented Students code is not well formatted
Student provides ample comments in HTML to help keep sections organized and separated. Student provides few comments in their HTML files Student wrote some comments Student did not write comments
Student provides comments in their CSS describing their styling choices Student provides few comments in their CSS Files
All of the students commits follow the commit message template. Most of the students commits follow the commit message template. Some of the students commits follow the commit message template Few or none of the students commit messages follow the commit message template

Skills of a Student

Your skills of a student covers your StudentLog repository, your in class time management, meeting deadlines, asking for help when needed, and helping others when able.

Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic
Manages time well in class, stays focused on work at hand at all times Focuses on work in class Focuses at times, can get distracted Uses class time poorly, is frequently distracted
Meets all deadlines, on or ahead of schedule Meets deadlines Delivers close to deadline, may be late by a day or two Delivers work late or not at all
Advocates for self, seeks clarification when needed and volunteers to help others Seeks assistance when needed Needs prompting to seek assistance Does not seek assistance or ask for help when needed

Getting Help

All questions should be posted to the class Piazza board. You are also encouraged to help other students who post on Piazza. When you post your question, be sure to include as many details as possible for reproducing the issue you're having.

Questions you should answer when asking a question include:

  1. What are you trying to do?
  2. What did you try?
  3. What was the result?

Work hard to make sure the person trying to answer your question can reproduce your error. Share your files so others can run exactly what you're running.

Also, include screenshot!

Formulating good questions is a good life long skill. You should try asking your question on Piazza before seeking out synchronous time with Mx. Collard. However, if you would like to meet to discuss synchronously, first, look at Mx. Collard's Calendar, then send them an email with at least two proposed times you would like to meet.