
C++ Spectrogram generating tool.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

C++ Spectrogram

A spectrogram written in C++.

You will need the FreeImage library and a C++11 compatible compiler to compile the program.

Run with (assuming g++)

$ mkdir build & cd build
$ g++ -o spectro ../src/*.cpp -I ../include -std=c++11
$ ./spectro <filename>

The file is saved as spectrograph.png in the same directory as the executable.

Currently there is no way to specify command line arguments, so you will have to code them in if you would like to change settings.


This source is released under the MIT license.

NOTE: Prior releases of this project were released under GPLv3.


This project was only ever intended as a learning exercise and is not currently accepting any contributions.

You are welcome to fork and use the code under the terms of the license.