Knowage is the full capabilities open source suite for modern business analytics over traditional sources and big data systems. Its features, such as data federation, mash-up, data/text mining and advanced data visualization, give comprehensive support to rich and multi-source data analysis. The suite is composed of several modules, each one conceived for a specific analytical domain. They can be used individually as complete solution for a certain task, or combined with one another to ensure full coverage of user’ requirements.
Modules available
Knowage supports a modern vision of the data analytics, providing new self-service capabilities that give autonomy to the end-user, now able to build his own analysis and explore his own data space, also combining data that come from different sources.
Knowage is available on two versions:
- the community edition, with the whole set of analytical capabilities, it is part of the software stack managed by OW2 and the reference implementation of the Data Visualization GE in FIWARE (see the FIWARE catalogue entry for details), as SpagoBI was;
- the enterprise edition, provided and guaranteed directly from Engineering Group - the leading Italian software and services company - with a commercial offering and some facilities for the administrator.
This repository contains the source code of the Community Edition.
Before start to contribute, please read and sign the Contributor License Agreement.
The official documentantion is available at Read the Docs.
Please visit the project website for information about the Enterprise Edition.