
A collection of papers on diffusion models for 3D generation.

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Awesome 3D Diffusion

This repo collects papers that use diffusion models for 3D generation.

🔥🔥🔥 Check out our collection of papers on 4D generation: https://github.com/cwchenwang/awesome-4d-generation 🔥🔥🔥

Note: This list is far from complete, please feel free to add any paper you found relevant.

Table of Contents

2D Diffusion with Pretraining

Text-to-3D Object Generation

Scene Generation


Human and Animal

3D Editing


Multi-view Diffusion

2D Diffusion without Pretraining

3D Objects

3D Scenes

Diffusion in 3D Space

3D Gaussians

Point Cloud, Meshs, Volumes

Implicit Representation


Latent Representation

Diffusion for Motion

Human Motion