Continuous Baerigration

CI Status:

  • CircleCI:
    • master branch
      • build: CircleCI
      • coverage:
    • develop branch:
      • build: CircleCI
      • coverage:
  • GitlabCI:
    • master branch:
      • build: build status
      • Coverage: coverage report
    • develop branch:
      • build:build status
      • coverage:coverage report

The point of this project is to demonstrate Continuous Integration & Deployment of a web app using:

  • Heroku Deployment Pipelines w/ Review Apps
  • Circle CI for testing
  • Gitlab CI for CI & CD when hosted on Gitlab

Installation & Running:

  • npm i to install
  • npm start to run. Default web PORT is 3000.


  • route unit testing done w/ Mocha & Supertest
  • to run, execute npm test

Setting up CircleCI

  • sign up & login to CircleCI.
  • create a new project inside CircleCI and add your repo to it.
  • Under the "Project Settings" -> "Build Settings" -> "Advanced Settings" -> "Build forked pull requests" make sure the setting is "On"
  • Under the "Project Settings" -> "Test Commands" -> "Test Commands" -> set the "Test commands" to npm test

Setting up Heroku Pipelines

  • Github:
    • run the bash script to create an app and pipeline. i.e.: ./ fancyAppName
    • this will prompt you set up your pipeline
  • Gitlab:
    • run the bash script to create an app and pipeline. i.e.: ./ fancyAppName
    • note: Automatic deploys via Github are not currently available so you will have to rely on the .gitlab-ci.yaml file to be set up properly for deploys. This entails setting:
      • an app name in $HEROKU_DEV_APP and $HEROKU_STAGING_APP variables
      • your Heroku API key in the $HEROKU_DEV_API_KEY and $HEROKU_STAGING_API_KEY variables
      • the URL of your deployment sites in the $HEROKU_DEV_URL and $HEROKU_STAGING_URL