Export the data in a HDF5 (Hierarchial Data Format) file to a SQLServer database
Create or edit the config.yaml for your situation:
# Specify nodes here individually
- /df1
- /sub/df2
- /sub/df3
# NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET: Specify entire hierarchy folders here
- /sub2
- /everything/under/here
sqlalchemy_connection_string: 'mssql+pyodbc://localhost\SQLEXPRESS/Northwind?driver=ODBC+Driver+13+for+SQL+Server;Integrated Security=True'
schema: dbo
Run the script:
python hdf2sql.py datastore.hdf myconfig.yaml
HDF has lighting fast reads and writes compared to a database or CSV files.
SQLServer is much more accesible to many users than a HDF file. Pushing the data to a database allows a wider audience of people to debug problems. It also makes it easier to share data with a larger audience.