
Puppet module to set up an instance of wordpress

Primary LanguagePuppet

WordPress Module


This will set up an installation of Wordpress 3.5 on Debian and Redhat style distributions.


Installation includes:

  • Configuration of WordPress DB connection parameters
  • Generate secure keys and salts for wp-config.php.
  • Optional creation of MySQL database/user/permissions.


  • Configuration of php-enabled webserver
  • Configuration MySQL server
  • PHP 5.3 or greater


  • install_dir
    Specifies the directory into which wordpress should be installed. Default: /opt/wordpress

  • install_url
    Specifies the url from which the wordpress tarball should be downloaded. Default: http://wordpress.org

  • version
    Specifies the version of wordpress to install. Default: 3.5

  • create_db
    Specifies whether to create the db or not. Default: true

  • create_db_user
    Specifies whether to create the db user or not. Default: true

  • db_name
    Specifies the database name which the wordpress module should be configured to use. Default: wordpress

  • db_host
    Specifies the database host to connect to. Default: localhost

  • db_user
    Specifies the database user. Default: wordpress

  • db_password
    Specifies the database user's password in plaintext. Default: password

  • wp_owner
    Specifies the owner of the wordpress files. Default: root

  • wp_group
    Specifies the group of the wordpress files. Default: 0 (*BSD/Darwin compatible GID)

  • wp_lang
    WordPress Localized Language. Default: ``

  • wp_plugin_dir
    WordPress Plugin Directory. Full path, no trailing slash. Default: WordPress Default

Example Usage

Default deployment (insecure; default passwords and installed as root):

class { 'wordpress': }

Basic deployment (secure database password, installed as wordpress user/group):

class { 'wordpress':
  wp_owner    => 'wordpress',
  wp_group    => 'wordpress',
  db_user     => 'wordpress',
  db_password => 'hvyH(S%t(\"0\"16',

Externally hosted MySQL DB:

class { 'wordpress':
  db_user     => 'wordpress',
  db_password => 'hvyH(S%t(\"0\"16',
  db_host     => 'db.example.com',

Disable module's database/user creation (the database and db user must still exist with correct permissions):

class { 'wordpress':
  db_user        => 'wordpress',
  db_password    => 'hvyH(S%t(\"0\"16',
  create_db      => false,
  create_db_user => false,

Install specific version of WordPress:

class { 'wordpress':
  version => '3.4',

Install WordPress to a specific directory:

class { 'wordpress':
  install_dir => '/var/www/wordpress',

Download wordpress-${version}.tar.gz from an internal server:

class { 'wordpress':
  install_url => 'http://internal.example.com/software',