ThreeJs learning

ThreeJs can able to render 3d object easily, user can interact with the object as well

  • Lighting
  • Shadow
  • ✨Model✨


Naviagte to corresponding folder Download Node.js. Run this followed commands:

# Install dependencies (only the first time)
npm install

# Run the local server at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# Build for production in the dist/ directory
npm run build

Note for Material

  • normals can be use for lighting, reflection, refraction
  • if you want to use MeshToonMaterial need set minFilter and magFilter to THREE.NearestFilter and set material.gradientMap to texture

Note for Particle

  • use depthTest = false to hide the edge but some bug will occur when there are some others object in the same scene
  • set depthWrite = false to solve the problem mentioned above
  • set blending = THREE.AdditiveBlending to add the color of the pixel to the color of the pixel already drawn
  • set attribute needsUpdate = true to update the attribute

Note for random location

  • imagine there you want to generate a bunch of object inside a area
  • using angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2 to get the random angle
  • x position can be Math.cos(angle) * radius and z can be Math.sin(angle) * radius
  • in gerenal you can use Math.random() - 0.5 to get a random number within the range -0.5 to 0.5
  • using the multiper to enlarge the range

Note for ambience

  • scene.fog = new THREE.Fog('#262837', 1, 15)
  • can create foggy environment

Note for physics

  • ammo.js vs cannon.js
  • one body can contain multiple shape
  • physics body can counting the with from center, so width/2 etc.
  • need update the quaternion for rotation
  • allowSleep = true, broadphase = new CANNON.SAPBroadphase(world) can improve the preformance

Note for Object/Model

  • draco is using for compression, and it may much lighter
  • directionalLight.shadow.normalBias=0.05 to reduce the shadow map effect

Note for Shader

  • w for after z which is the forth axis
  • only vertex can retrieve the attribute
  • vertex can send data to fragment via varying
  • In .glsl float datatype must with a ?.0

Useful Resource Ref


Level Process
Classic techniques
Advanced techniques
Extra 🚧
