
Groovy practice

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Following along to this: https://guides.grails.org/creating-your-first-grails-app/guide/index.html

I used SDKMan to install.

Update on 4/20/2020 - stopped committing to this as the project kicked off.

On a windows 10 machine, I had to install ubuntu from the microsoft store. From there, I needed to download the jre and skd for JAVA 8

important USE JAVA 8

A couple of the useful commands I needed:

$sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk (and the JRE equivilent, find it by trying to use $java -version) (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-java-with-apt-on-ubuntu-18-04)

Next Step

Next step is to try and turn this into an AWS Lambda function https://medium.com/agorapulse-stories/how-to-build-a-microservice-with-aws-lambda-in-groovy-4f7384c3b804