
Feature generation pipeline for HUC12 sub watershed nutrient loading model.

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Development Envronment for the HUC12 sub watershed nutrient loading model.

  • R version v3.6.3
  • PostgreSQL v12.5
  • PostGIS v3.0.2

Note: Use PGAdmin4 to interact directly with the Postgres database named WRRI running on localhost:5430 with the user postgres

How to use

Install docker to run RStudio in the browser.

Download Latest Postgres Backup

Copy wrri_pg_bak from Google Drive (WRRI_FallsJordan) into the top level of this git repository

Build and Run the docker services

docker-compose up -d

Go to RStudio in the browser


Reload new database backup

docker-compose restart -d

How To...

Add or update a R Library

Add or remove R Libraries in install.R and then rebuild the docker container to see changes.

Add or update a linux package

Add or remove linux packages in apt.txt then rebuild the docker container to see changes.

Create New Database Backup

Run the following command from the root directory in the terminal

This command will create a new backup of the database saving any new data or views you added.

docker-compose exec postgis  pg_dump -d WRRI -U postgres -w -f /etc/postgresql/wrri_pg_bak -F c -b

Now you need to copy the backup back to your machine using the following command.

docker cp nutrient-loading-model_postgis_1:/etc/postgresql/wrri_pg_bak .

Finally, update the backup in the shared Google Drive to share with others.

Load directly from PGAdmin4

Setup PGAdmin4

  1. Install PGAdmin4 if you do not already have it.

  2. Create a new server using by right clicking Server -> Create -> Server .

  3. In the create server panel's General tab set the server name to WRRI_Docker.


  1. Select the Connection tab from the create server panel. For the Host name/address enter localhost, set Port to 5430, set the Maintenance database to postgres, and set the username to postgres, leave the password empty.


  1. Click save at the bottom right of the Create - Server panel.

You are now connected to the database and will see your saved connection on the left panel of PGAdmin with the label WRRI_Docker.