
Spacebrew - Cinder block

Primary LanguageC++


A Spacebrew implementation for Cinder 0.9.0

Spacebrew is a service and toolkit for choreographing interactive spaces.


  • ciSpacebrew requires the Cinder-WebSocketPP block (com.wk.websocketpp) Latest commit at time of writing is e89368be757550fa1a10b9611345d79a008e7766
  • If you create a project via TinderBox, it will automatically include the proper libraries and paths into your Cinder project.


  • First include the header file #include "ciSpacebrew.h"

  • Create a ConnectionRef to start a spacebrew session. By default this will connect automatically to the Spacebrew Cloud (sandbox.spacebrew.cc on port 9000). This is fine for prototyping, but you should set up your own instance for any production work.

     Spacebrew::ConnectionRef spacebrew = Spacebrew::Connection::create();
  • Optionally use a custom constructor to connect to your own instance

    Spacebrew::ConnectionRef spacebrew = Spacebrew::Connection::create("localhost", 8080, "My Spacebrew app", "An app to test out the functionality of Spacebrew!");
  • Add publishers and subscribers to talk to other apps

     spacebrew->addPublish("button", Spacebrew::TYPE_BOOLEAN);
     spacebrew->addSubscribe("message", Spacebrew::TYPE_STRING);
  • Listen for messages and/or send some out!

     spacebrew->addListener( [](const Spacebrew::Message &m){
     	console() << "We got a message! " << m.getName() << endl;
     }, this);
     spacebrew->send("button", Spacebrew::TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);

-- Check out http://docs.spacebrew.cc/ for more info.