Synaptic is a javascript neural network library for node.js and the browser, its generalized algorythm is architecture-free, so you can build and train basically any type of first order or even second order neural network architectures.
This library includes a few built-in architectures like multilayer perceptrons, multilayer long-short term memory networks (LSTM) or liquid state machines, and a trainer capable of training any given network, which includes built-in training tasks/tests like solving an XOR, completing a Distracted Sequence Recall task or an Embeded Reber Grammar test, so you can easily test and compare the performance of different architectures.
The algorythm implemented by this library has been taken from Derek D. Monner's paper:
A generalized LSTM-like training algorithm for second-order recurrent neural networks
There are references to the equations in that paper commented through the source code.
######In node You can install synaptic with npm:
npm install synaptic --save
######In the browser
Just include the file synaptic.js (you can find it in the /lib
directory) with a script tag in your HTML:
<script src="synaptic.js"></script>
var synaptic = require('synaptic'); // this line is not needed in the browser
var Neuron = synaptic.Neuron,
Layer = synaptic.Layer,
Network = synaptic.Network,
Trainer = synaptic.Trainer,
Architect = synaptic.Architect;
Now you can start to create networks, train them, or use built-in networks from the Architect.
This is how you can create a simple perceptron.
function Perceptron(input, hidden, output)
// create the layers
var inputLayer = new Layer(input);
var hiddenLayer = new Layer(hidden);
var outputLayer = new Layer(output);
// connect the layers
// set the layers
input: inputLayer,
hidden: [hiddenLayer],
output: outputLayer
// extend the prototype chain
Perceptron.prototype = new Network();
Perceptron.prototype.constructor = Perceptron;
Now you can test your new network by creating a trainer and teaching the perceptron to learn an XOR
var myPerceptron = new Perceptron(2,3,1);
var myTrainer = new Trainer(myPerceptron);
myTrainer.XOR(); // { error: 0.004998819355993572, iterations: 21871, time: 356 }
myPerceptron.activate([0,0]); // 0.0268581547421616
myPerceptron.activate([1,0]); // 0.9829673642853368
myPerceptron.activate([0,1]); // 0.9831714267395621
myPerceptron.activate([1,1]); // 0.02128894618097928
######Long Short-Term Memory
This is how you can create a simple long short-term memory with input gate, forget gate, output gate, and peephole connections.
function LSTM(input, blocks, output)
// create the layers
var inputLayer = new Layer(input);
var inputGate = new Layer(blocks);
var forgetGate = new Layer(blocks);
var memoryCell = new Layer(blocks);
var outputGate = new Layer(blocks);
var outputLayer = new Layer(output);
// connections from input layer
var input = inputLayer.project(memoryCell);
// connections from memory cell
var output = memoryCell.project(outputLayer);
// self-connection
var self = memoryCell.project(memoryCell, Layer.connectionType.ONE_TO_ONE);
// peepholes
memoryCell.project(inputGate, Layer.connectionType.ONE_TO_ONE);
memoryCell.project(forgetGate, Layer.connectionType.ONE_TO_ONE);
memoryCell.project(outputGate, Layer.connectionType.ONE_TO_ONE);
// gates
inputGate.gate(input, Layer.gateType.INPUT);
forgetGate.gate(self, Layer.gateType.ONE_TO_ONE);
outputGate.gate(output, Layer.gateType.OUTPUT);
// input to output direct connection
// set the layers of the neural network
input: inputLayer,
hidden: hiddenLayers,
output: outputLayer
// extend the prototype chain
LSTM.prototype = new Network();
LSTM.prototype.constructor = LSTM;
These are examples for explanatory purposes, the Architect already includes Multilayer Perceptrons and Multilayer LSTM networks architectures.
Neurons are the basic unit of the neural network. They can be connected together, or used to gate connetions between other neurons. A Neuron can perform basically 4 operations: project connections, gate connections, activate and propagate.
A neuron can project a connection to another neuron (i.e. connect neuron A with neuron B). Here is how it's done:
var A = new Neuron();
var B = new Neuron();
A.project(B); // A now projects a connection to B
Neurons can also self-connect:
The method project returns a Connection
object, that can be gated by another neuron.
A neuron can gate a connection between two neurons, or a neuron's self-connection. This allows you to create second order neural network architectures.
var A = new Neuron();
var B = new Neuron();
var connection = A.project(B);
var C = new Neuron();
C.gate(connection); // now C gates the connection between A and B
When a neuron activates, it computes it's state from all its input connections and squashes it using its activation function, and returns the output (activation). You can provide the activation as a parameter (useful for neurons in the input layer. it has to be a float between 0 and 1). For example:
var A = new Neuron();
var B = new Neuron();
A.activate(0.5); // 0.5
B.activate(); // 0.3244554645
After an activation, you can teach the neuron what should have been the correct output (a.k.a. train). This is done by backpropagating the error. To use the propagate method you have to provide a learning rate, and a target value (float between 0 and 1).
For example, if I want to train neuron B to output a value close to 0 when neuron A activates a value of 1, with an error smaller than 0.005:
var A = new Neuron();
var B = new Neuron();
var learningRate = .3,
targetOutput = 0,
error = 0.005,
output = 1;
while(output - targetOutput > error)
output = B.activate();
B.propagate(learningRate, targetOutput);
// test it
B.activate(); // 0.0049998578298219975
######squashing function and bias
By default, a neuron uses a Logistic Sigmoid as its squashing/activation function, and a random bias. You can change those properties the following way:
var A = new Neuron();
A.squash = Neuron.squash.TANH;
A.bias = 1;
There are 4 built-in squashing functions, but you can also create your own:
Normally you won't work with single neurons, but use Layers instead. A layer is basically an array of neurons, they can do pretty much the same things as neurons do, but it makes the programming process faster.
To create a layer you just have to specify its size (the number of neurons in that layer).
var myLayer = new Layer(5);
A layer can project a connection to another layer. You have to provide the layer that you want to connect to and the connectionType
var A = new Layer(5);
var B = new Layer(3);
A.project(B, Layer.connectionType.ALL_TO_ALL); // All the neurons in layer A now project a connection to all the neurons in layer B
Layers can also self-connect:
A.project(A, Layer.connectionType.ONE_TO_ONE);
There are two connectionType
- Layer.connectionType.ALL_TO_ALL
- Layer.connectionType.ONE_TO_ONE
If not specified, the connection type is always Layer.connectionType.ALL_TO_ALL.
If you make a one-to-one connection, both layers must have the same size.
The method project returns a LayerConnection
object, that can be gated by another layer.
A layer can gate a connection between two other layers, or a layers's self-connection.
var A = new Layer(5);
var B = new Layer(3);
var connection = A.project(B);
var C = new Layer(4);
C.gate(connection, Layer.gateType.INPUT_GATE); // now C gates the connection between A and B (input gate)
There are three gateType
- Layer.gateType.INPUT_GATE: If layer C is gating connections between layer A and B, all the neurons from C gate all the input connections to B.
- Layer.gateType.OUTPUT_GATE: If layer C is gating connections between layer A and B, all the neurons from C gate all the output connections from A.
- Layer.gateType.ONE_TO_ONE: If layer C is gating connections between layer A and B, each neuron from C gates one connection from A to B. This is useful for gating self-connected layers. To use this kind of gateType, A, B and C must be the same size.
When a layer activates, it just activates all the neurons in that layer in order, and returns an array with the outputs. It accepts an array of activations as parameter (for input layers):
var A = new Layer(5);
var B = new Layer(3);
A.activate([1,0,1,0,1]); // [1,0,1,0,1]
B.activate(); // [0.3280457, 0.83243247, 0.5320423]
After an activation, you can teach the layer what should have been the correct output (a.k.a. train). This is done by backpropagating the error. To use the propagate method you have to provide a learning rate, and a target value (array of floats between 0 and 1).
For example, if I want to train layer B to output [0,0] when layer A activates [1,0,1,0,1], with an error smaller than 0.005:
var A = new Layer(5);
var B = new Layer(2);
var learningRate = .3,
targetOutput = [0,0],
error = 0.005
output = [1,1];
while(output[0] - targetOutput[0] > error && output[1] - targetOutput[1] > error)
output = B.activate();
B.propagate(learningRate, targetOutput);
// test it
B.activate(); // [0.004999850993267468, 0.00499980138183861]
######squashing function and bias
You can set the squashing function and bias of all the neurons in a layer by using the method set:
squash: Neuron.squash.TANH,
bias: 0
The method neurons()
return an array with all the neurons in the layer, in activation order.
Networks are basically an array of layers. They have an input layer, a number of hidden layers, and an output layer. Networks can project and gate connections, activate and propagate in the same fashion as Layers do. Networks can also be optimized, extended, exported to JSON, converted to Workers or standalone Functions, and cloned.
var inputLayer = new Layer(4);
var hiddenLayer = new Layer(6);
var outputLayer = new Layer(2);
var myNetwork = new Network({
input: inputLayer,
hidden: [hiddenLayer],
output: outputLayer
A network can project a connection to another, or gate a connection between two others networks in the same way Layers do.
You have to provide the network that you want to connect to and the connectionType
myNetwork.project(otherNetwork, Layer.connectionType.ALL_TO_ALL);
All the neurons in myNetwork's output layer now project a connection
to all the neurons in otherNetowrk's input layer.
There are two connectionType
- Layer.connectionType.ALL_TO_ALL
- Layer.connectionType.ONE_TO_ONE
If not specified, the connection type is always Layer.connectionType.ALL_TO_ALL.
If you make a one-to-one connection, both layers must have the same size.
The method project returns a LayerConnection
object, that can be gated by another network or layer.
A Network can gate a connection between two other Networks or Layers, or a Layers's self-connection.
var connection = A.project(B);
C.gate(connection, Layer.gateType.INPUT_GATE); // now C's output layer gates the connection between A's output layer and B's input layer (input gate)
There are three gateType
Layer.gateType.INPUT_GATE: If netowork C is gating connections between network A and B, all the neurons from C's output layer gate all the input connections to B's input layer.
Layer.gateType.OUTPUT_GATE: If network C is gating connections between network A and B, all the neurons from C's output layer gate all the output connections from A's output layer.
Layer.gateType.ONE_TO_ONE: If network C is gating connections between network A and B, each neuron from C's output layer gates one connection from A's output layer to B's input layer. To use this kind of gateType, A's output layer, B's input layer and C's output layer must be the same size.
When a network is activeted, an input must be provided to activate the input layer, then all the hidden layers are activated in order, and finally the output layer is activated and its activation is returned.
var inputLayer = new Layer(4);
var hiddenLayer = new Layer(6);
var outputLayer = new Layer(2);
var myNetwork = new Network({
input: inputLayer,
hidden: [hiddenLayer],
output: outputLayer
myNetwork.activate([1,0,1,0]); // [0.5200553602396137, 0.4792707231811006]
You can provide a target value and a learning rate to a network and backpropagate the error from the output layer to all the hidden layers in reverse order until reaching the input layer. For example, this is how you train a network how to solve an XOR:
// create the network
var inputLayer = new Layer(2);
var hiddenLayer = new Layer(3);
var outputLayer = new Layer(1);
var myNetwork = new Network({
input: inputLayer,
hidden: [hiddenLayer],
output: outputLayer
// train the network
var learningRate = .3;
for (var i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
// 0,0 => 0
myNetwork.propagate(learningRate, [0]);
// 0,1 => 1
myNetwork.propagate(learningRate, [1]);
// 1,0 => 1
myNetwork.propagate(learningRate, [1]);
// 1,1 => 0
myNetwork.propagate(learningRate, [0]);
// test the network
myNetwork.activate([0,0]); // [0.015020775950893527]
myNetwork.activate([0,1]); // [0.9815816381088985]
myNetwork.activate([1,0]); // [0.9871822457132193]
myNetwork.activate([1,1]); // [0.012950087641929467]
Networks get optimized automatically on the fly after its first activation, if you print in the console the activate
or propagate
methods of your Network instance after activating it, it will look something like this:
function (input){
F[1] = input[0];
F[2] = input[1];
F[3] = input[2];
F[4] = input[3];
F[6] = F[7];
F[7] = F[8];
F[7] += F[1] * F[9];
F[7] += F[2] * F[10];
F[7] += F[3] * F[11];
F[7] += F[4] * F[12];
F[5] = (1 / (1 + Math.exp(-F[7])));
F[13] = F[5] * (1 - F[5]);
This improves the performance of the network dramatically.
You can see how to extend a network in the Examples section.
Networks can be stored as JSON's and then restored back:
var exported = myNetwork.toJSON();
var imported = Network.fromJSON(exported);
The network can be converted into a WebWorker. This feature doesn't work in node.js, and it's not supported on every browser (it must support Blob).
// training set
var learningRate = .3;
var trainingSet = [
input: [0,0],
output: [0]
input: [0,1],
output: [1]
input: [1,0],
output: [1]
input: [1,1],
output: [0]
// create a network
var inputLayer = new Layer(2);
var hiddenLayer = new Layer(3);
var outputLayer = new Layer(1);
var myNetwork = new Network({
input: inputLayer,
hidden: [hiddenLayer],
output: outputLayer
// create a worker
var myWorker = myNetwork.worker();
// activate the network
function activateWorker(input)
action: "activate",
input: input,
memoryBuffer: myNetwork.optimized.memory
}, [myNetwork.optimized.memory.buffer]);
// backpropagate the network
function propagateWorker(target){
action: "propagate",
target: target,
rate: learningRate,
memoryBuffer: myNetwork.optimized.memory
}, [myNetwork.optimized.memory.buffer]);
// train the worker
myWorker.onmessage = function(e){
// give control of the memory back to the network - this is mandatory!
if ( == "propagate")
if (index >= 4)
index = 0;
if (iterations % 100 == 0)
var output00 = myNetwork.activate([0,0]);
var output01 = myNetwork.activate([0,1]);
var output10 = myNetwork.activate([1,0]);
var output11 = myNetwork.activate([1,1]);
console.log("0,0 => ", output00);
console.log("0,1 => ", output01);
console.log("1,0 => ", output10);
console.log("1,1 => ", output11, "\n");
if ( == "activate")
// kick it
var index = 0;
var iterations = 0;
The network can be exported to a single javascript Function. This can be useful when your network is already trained and you just need to use it, since the standalone functions is just one javascript function with an array and operations within, with no dependencies on Synaptic or any other library.
var inputLayer = new Layer(4);
var hiddenLayer = new Layer(6);
var outputLayer = new Layer(2);
var myNetwork = new Network({
input: inputLayer,
hidden: [hiddenLayer],
output: outputLayer
var standalone = myNetwork.standalone();
myNetwork.activate([1,0,1,0]); // [0.5466397925108878, 0.5121246668637663]
standalone([1,0,1,0]); // [0.5466397925108878, 0.5121246668637663]
A network can be cloned to a completely new instance, with the same connections and traces.
var inputLayer = new Layer(4);
var hiddenLayer = new Layer(6);
var outputLayer = new Layer(2);
var myNetwork = new Network({
input: inputLayer,
hidden: [hiddenLayer],
output: outputLayer
var clone = myNetwork.clone();
myNetwork.activate([1,0,1,0]); // [0.5466397925108878, 0.5121246668637663]
clone.activate([1,0,1,0]); // [0.5466397925108878, 0.5121246668637663]
The method neurons()
return an array with all the neurons in the network, in activation order.
The method set(layers)
receives an object with layers in the same format as the constructor of Network
and sets them as the layers of the Network, this is useful when you are extending the Network
class to create your own architectures. See the examples section.
var inputLayer = new Layer(4);
var hiddenLayer = new Layer(6);
var outputLayer = new Layer(2);
var myNetwork = new Network();
input: inputLayer,
hidden: [hiddenLayer],
output: outputLayer
The Trainer
makes it easier to train any set to any network, no matter its architecture. To create a trainer you just have to provide a Network
to train.
var trainer = new Trainer(myNetwork);
The trainer also contains bult-in tasks to test the performance of your network.
This method allows you to train any training set to a Network
, the training set must be an Array
containing object with an input and output properties, for exmple, this is how you train an XOR to a network using a trainer:
var trainingSet = [
input: [0,0],
output: [0]
input: [0,1],
output: [1]
input: [1,0],
output: [1]
input: [1,1],
output: [0]
var trainer = new Trainer(myNetwork);
You can also set different options for the training in an object as a second parameter, like:
trainer.train(trainingSet,{ rate: .1, iterations: 20000, error: .005, shuffle: true, log: 1000 });
- rate: learning rate to train the network.
- iterations: maximum number of iterations
- error: minimum error
- shuffle: if true, the training set is shuffled after every iteration, this is useful for training data sequences which order is not meaningful to networks with context memory, like LSTM's.
- log: this commands the trainer to console.log the error and iterations every X number of iterations.
- customLog: you can create custom logs like this one:
customLog: {
every: 500,
do: function(error, iterations) {
console.log("error", error, "iterations", iterations);
When the training is done this method returns an object with the error, the iterations, and the elapsed time of the training.
This method trains an XOR to the network, is useful when you are experimenting with different architectures and you want to test and compare their performances:
var trainer = new Trainer(myNetwork);
trainer.XOR(); // {error: 0.004999821588193305, iterations: 21333, time: 111}
This method trains the network to complete a Discrete Sequence Recall, which is a task for testing context memory in neural networks.
targets: [2,4],
distractors: [3,5],
prompts: [0,1],
length: 10
This method trains the network to pass an Embeded Reber Grammar test.
The Architect contains built-in architectures, ready to use.
This architecture allows you to create multilayer perceptrons, also known as feed-forward neural networks. They consists on a sequence of layers, each fully connected to the next one.
You have to provide a minimum of 3 layers (input, hidden and output), but you can use as many hidden layers as you wish. This is a Perceptron
with 2 neurons in the input layer, 3 neurons in the hidden layer, and 1 neuron in the output layer:
var myPerceptron = new Architect.Perceptron(2,3,1);
And this is a deep multilayer perceptron with 2 neurons in the input layer, 4 hidden layers with 10 neurons each, and 1 neuron in the output layer
var myPerceptron = new Architect.Perceptron(2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1);
The long short-term memory is an architecture well-suited to learn from experience to classify, process and predict time series when there are very long time lags of unknown size between important events.
To use this architecture you have to set at least one input layer, one memory block assembly (consisting of four layers: input gate, memory cell, forget gate and output gate), and an output layer.
var myLSTM = new Architect.LSTM(2,6,1);
Also you can set many layers of memory blocks:
var myLSTM = new Architect.LSTM(2,4,4,4,1);
That LSTM network has three memory block assemblies, with 4 memory blocks each, and their own input gates, memory cells, forget gates and output gates.
The Liquid
architecture allows you to create Liquid State Machines. In these networks, neurons are randomly connected to each other. The recurrent nature of the connections turns the time varying input into a spatio-temporal pattern of activations in the network nodes.
To use this architecture you have to set the size of the input layer, the size of the pool, the size of the output layer, the number of random connections in the pool, and the number of random gates among the connections.
var input = 2;
var pool = 20;
var output = 1;
var connections = 30;
var gates = 10;
var myLiquidStateMachine = new Architect.Liquid(input, pool, output, connections, gates);
You can create your own architectures by extending the Network
class. You can check the Examples section for more information about this.