iotsaGPIO - web server that interfaces to hardware signals

build-platformio build-arduino

This is a wifi http server that allows access to some 3.3v hardware signals (analog input, digital input, digital output, PWM output). It is built using the iotsa framework.

Home page is This software is licensed under the MIT license by the CWI DIS group,

As distributed the service allows access to 6 digital ports (which can be configured as input, input with pullup, output or PWM-output) and one analog input. In addition there is a readonly port timestamp which returns the number of milliseconds since boot.

Software requirements

Or you can build using PlatformIO.

Hardware requirements

  • a iotsa board. Alternatively you can use any other esp8266 board, but then you may have to adapt the available I/O pins.


GET /api/io will return the current value of all current input ports.

PUT /api/io expects an object that can contain name : value pairs for any ports configured as output or pwm___output.

GET /api/ioconfig will return an object with name-value pairs containing the current configuration of each port:

  • 'input' for input ports (digital, analog or timestamp),
  • 'input_pullup' for digital input ports with the internall pullup resistor enabled (so open inputs read as 1 in stead of a random undefined value).
  • 'output' for digital output ports.
  • 'pwm_output' for digital output ports that present a pseudo-analog output value using pulse-width modulation.
  • 'unused' for ports that are not in use.

PUT /api/ioconfig allows to set the configuration for each port, using the same values as above. The device must be in configuration mode.