Nzyme Ansible Playbooks

This repository contains Ansible playbooks for deploying and configuring Nzyme, a WiFi defense system, on various host machines.


  • Ansible (Version 2.9 or higher)
  • Target machines running Ubuntu 22.04 or Raspberry Pi OS
  • SSH access to the target machines with sudo privileges

Directory Structure

|-- ansible.cfg             # Ansible configuration file
|-- group_vars/             # Group variables directory
|   |-- nzyme_nodes.yml     # Variables for Nzyme nodes
|-- inventory.ini           # Inventory file
|-- playbooks/              # Playbooks directory
|   |-- nzyme_node.yml      # Nzyme node playbook
|   |-- nzyme_tap.yml       # Nzyme tap playbook
|   |-- roles/              # Roles directory
|       |-- nzyme_node/     # Nzyme node role
|       |   |-- files/      # Files for Nzyme node role
|       |   |-- tasks/      # Tasks for Nzyme node role
|       |   |-- templates/  # Templates for Nzyme node role
|       |-- nzyme_tap/      # Nzyme tap role
|           |-- tasks/      # Tasks for Nzyme tap role
|           |-- templates/  # Templates for Nzyme tap role


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

    git clone
    cd nzyme-ansible
  2. Update the inventory.ini file with the IP addresses and leader secret of your target machines.

  3. Customize the group_vars/nzyme_nodes.yml file with your specific settings for Nzyme.

  4. Run the playbooks to deploy Nzyme on your target machines.

    ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/nzyme_node.yml -u <your-ssh-username>
    ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/nzyme_tap.yml -u <your-ssh-username>


Inventory File

Update the inventory.ini file to include the IP addresses of your target machines under the [nzyme_nodes] and [nzyme_taps] sections.

Group Variables

Update the group_vars/nzyme_nodes.yml file to include your specific settings for Nzyme, such as the database path, REST API URI, and external HTTP URI.


If you encounter any issues while running the playbooks, you can use the -vvv flag for verbose output which might help in identifying the problem.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/nzyme_node.yml -u <your-ssh-username> -vvv


Feel free to open issues or pull requests if you have suggestions or improvements.