Time Tracker Application - Educational Project

WIP: This project is a work in progress and is not yet complete.


This project is part of a class assignment focused on learning database management and API development. It involves using Knex.js to migrate and seed a PostgreSQL database and then creating an API to interact with this database. The database was set up in a Docker container to mimic a real-world development environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Database Management with Knex.js: Using Knex.js to create migration and seed scripts for PostgreSQL.
  • Docker Integration: Setting up a PostgreSQL database within a Docker container.
  • API Development: Writing an API in Node.js with Express to perform CRUD operations on the database.

Workflow Overview

  1. Database Setup in Docker: We started by setting up a PostgreSQL database inside a Docker container to provide an isolated and consistent development environment.

  2. Knex Migrations and Seeding: Using Knex.js, we created migration scripts to define the structure of our database and seeding scripts to populate it with initial data.

  3. API Development: We then developed an API using Node.js and Express, which communicates with the database to perform CRUD operations.

  4. Testing and Iteration: Throughout the development, we continuously tested our API endpoints and database operations, making adjustments as needed.

Database Schema

Below is the schema diagram for our database, outlining the structure and relationships of the tables:

Database Schema

The diagram illustrates the tables and relationships involved in the time tracker application.

API Endpoints

The application includes the following endpoints for user management:


  • GET /users - Retrieve all users
  • GET /users/:id - Retrieve a single user by ID
  • POST /users - Create a new user
  • PUT /users/:id - Update a user
  • DELETE /users/:id - Delete a user

Project Categories

  • GET /project_categories - Retrieve all project categories
  • GET /project_categories/:id - Retrieve a single project category by ID
  • POST /project_categories - Create a new project category
  • PUT /project_categories/:id - Update a project category
  • DELETE /project_categories/:id - Delete a project category


  • GET /companies - Retrieve all companies
  • GET /companies/:id - Retrieve a single company by ID
  • POST /companies - Create a new company
  • PUT /companies/:id - Update a company
  • DELETE /companies/:id - Delete a company