
all of my patched & configured suckless software

MIT LicenseMIT

a collection of my patched & configured suckless software
also includes some extras, like wallpapers for dwm & etc.

First, clone this repository:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules \
$ cd suckless-cw
$ git submodule update --remote

Then, build all the included software:
$ find $(pwd -P) -maxdepth 1 -not -path '*/.git' -type d \
  	-exec sh -c 'cd {} && make' ';'

Then you can choose what to do with the binaries.
Personally, I sym-link them into my ~/.local/bin/:
$ find $(pwd -P) -maxdepth 2 -type f -executable \
  	-exec ln -sf {} $HOME/.local/bin ';'

* software, patches: https://suckless.org/
* dwm gruvbox patch: https://git.sr.ht/~deff77/suckless

anything not mentioned was some amalgamation
of code made by me, and stuff i found online