Malware Analysis Bot Platform

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MABP - Malware Analysis Bot Platform

MABP is a partially context-aware chatbot powered by GPT-3 that serves for basic static analysis tasks. Currently, it can perform the following functions:

  • Analyze a PE executable
  • Collect md5, sha1, sha256, and sha512 hashes for the sample
  • Parse PE, DOS, and Image Optional headers
  • Parse the import address table (IAT) for imports
  • Get sentiment analysis on whether certain imports are used in malicious code or not
  • Generate simple yara rules based on criteria collected during analysis
  • Learn tips and tricks with the learn command
  • Interact with GPT-3 directly via natural text in the Input> area

This platform aims to streamline the process of performing basic static analysis on malware samples, making it easier and more accessible for security researchers, analysts and hobbyists alike. The context-awareness capabilities of GPT-3 ensures that the chatbot is able to respond to a variety of inputs and provide relevant information to users.

Setup Instructions

To setup MABP, first you will need to create an OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable, and export your OpenAI API key to it.


Next, install the required packages from requirements.txt with pip:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Finally, run the main script:

python3 ./mabp.py

How to Use

To use MABP, simply run the main script and follow the prompt. You will be able to select from a list of available commands by typing help for more information on each option. The following commands are currently implemented:

Command Description
banner Display ASCII art
learn Learn analysis tips and tricks
analyze_file Analyze a binary
make_yara Generate Yara rules
clear Clear the terminal
help Display the help menu
quit or exit Exit the script

The chatbot can be used through a command line interface or integrated into other systems. To get started, simply input your desired analysis task and follow the prompt.

Potential Problems

Currently, imports are filtered on specifically KERNEL32.dll. This will very likely cause you to miss key indicators from other libraries. This is a difficult problem to overcome, as passing all imports from all modules can easily overwhelm tokens - resulting in limited analysis, or no analysis whatsoever. It is recommended to change this filter in the get_iat(binary) function if you desire to get analysis on imports from other modules.

def get_iat(binary):
    """ Populate a dictionary with all imports """
    iat = {}
    for imported_library in binary.imports:
        if imported_library.name == "KERNEL32.dll":

At times, MABP may provide information that is not accurate or appropriate for certain audiences. The context personality should gear it against this behavior; however, the possibility still exists. This is a larger problem within the field of machine learning, with no immediate workaround. Integrating OpenAI's content moderation API could significantly reduce the performance of the model's ability to provide information on the subject of malware and malware analysis - moreover, it may even refuse to answer entirely. Use your best judgment when interacting with MABP, as usage policy violations could result in your account being banned from OpenAI.


  • Implement structured logs
  • Flask frontend


If you're interested in contributing to the project, please reach out to the project maintainers for more information on how to get involved.



This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.