JD Scheduler

Initial release goals

  • an admin should be able to create a new calendar with an arbitrary title
  • a user should be able to authenticate (via Stytch & Google) as a unique user
  • an admin should be able to add email addresses to a volunteer list. new members would be sent invites to login to the scheduler. only admin-provided emails should be able to login.
  • get auth working in the hosted app on replit
  • fix role checks - should reference cockroach db instead of upstash redis
  • configure stytch oauth scopes for accessing the Calendar API
  • create a new calendar when db is initialized, and store its id in the db
    • need to figure out how to specify what users can manage events on the created calendar
  • a volunteer should be able to add themself to a shift
  • admins need to be able to be able to invite recruits
    • for now, recruits will be on a separate page in the admin portal. later, could create a common users UI to manage both types
  • a recruit should be able to login
  • a recruit should be able to select a 15 min block of time from within scheduled shifts
    • the recruit should receive an email with a calendar invite

primetime requirements

  • implement live/prod auth
  • add custom domain in stytch oauth settings
  • move mail config to justice dems domain
  • connect Calendar API stuff to justice dems google workspace
  • configure oauth consent screen in GCP (if not using OB GCP)
  • clean database

Admin training

  • how to set up shifts on the server owned Google Calendar

Later goals

  • an admin user should be able to schedule a shift via the user interface, rather than having to go to Google Calendar
  • automated testing
  • admins need to be able to remove or update recruits and volunteers
  • admins should be able to add/remove other admins
    • "root" admin (initial admin user created when project is first configured) should be protected from deletion