The Perfect Excuse

ex·cuse noun /ikˈskyo͞os/ : a reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense

Screwed up? We've got you covered. Search through a list of excuses for several occasions and vote the most popular ones to the top. Log in to create, update and delete your personal excuses and view them in your profile.

Guest Sign In: username: guest | password: 123456

Technologies Used

+ Rails 5, Ruby
+ PostgresQL DB, JSON API
+ Many to Many Through Relationship : Occasions, Excuses
+ One to Many Relationship: Users
+ Javascript Web Token
+ Express, AngularJS, Node
+ HTML, Javascript
+ CSS Responsive Design
+ RESTful Routes (Full: Excuses, Users - Partial: Occasions)

Upcoming Features

  • Checkboxes for creation of excuse (many to many).
  • User can see a list of their own top excuses.
  • User can see what items they have +1.
  • Additional data visualization for top excuses.
  • Current seed data needs user created and added to excuses.

Known Issues

  • Update/Delete buttons appear for created excuses only upon click of 'show your excuses' from profile. Do not disappear with click of 'show all'.
  • Non-functioning edit feature for password.



Project Management with ZenHub, Slack and Zoom

General Assembly, 2017