PyOrgMode is a small python library able to do simple tasks with your org files. It allows you to generate org files or treat them in an automated fashion.
This project is not my top priority, but I’m more than happy to receive pull requests. Don’t worry, even if it takes some time, I go through all of them ;)
I’d like to thank all the people that contributes (see AUTHORS file).
Download the git repo and then install the package.
git clone
cd PyOrgMode/
sudo python install
Import PyOrgMode
from PyOrgMode import PyOrgMode
Create an Org data structure to hold the org-mode file.
base = PyOrgMode.OrgDataStructure()
Load the org-mode file.
Create an Org data structure to hold the org-mode file.
base = PyOrgMode.OrgDataStructure()
Create a new TODO item
new_todo = PyOrgMode.OrgNode.Element()
new_todo.heading = "I am a new todo item"
new_todo.tags=["things", "important"]
new_todo.level = 1
new_todo.todo = "TODO"
Add a scheduled item and a deadline to the item.
_sched = PyOrgMode.OrgSchedule()
_sched._append(new_todo, _sched.Element(scheduled="<2015-08-01 Sat 12:00-13:00>"))
_sched._append(new_todo, _sched.Element(deadline="<2015-08-01 Sat 12:00-13:00>"))
Create a logbook drawer
_props = PyOrgMode.OrgDrawer.Element("LOGBOOK")
# Add a properties drawer
_props.append(PyOrgMode.OrgDrawer.Element("- State \"SOMEDAY\" from \"TODO\" [2015-07-01 Wed 09:45]"))
# Append the properties to the new todo item
Create a properties drawer
_props = PyOrgMode.OrgDrawer.Element("PROPERTIES")
# Add a properties drawer
_props.append(PyOrgMode.OrgDrawer.Property("FRUITS", "pineapples"))
_props.append(PyOrgMode.OrgDrawer.Property("NAMES", "bob, sally"))
# Append the properties to the new todo item
Append the todo item to the base object
Save the org object to a file
Tangle (Export the files)
Jonathan BISSON <firstname.lastname at> : initiator of the project
Antti KAIHOLA <akaihol plus orgmode at ambitone dot com>
m3wolf (github)
bordercore (github)
wroberts (github)
gonvaled (github)
10nin (github)
CodeMonk (github)
midraal (github)
whacked (github)