
Barebone Linux kernel & OS

Primary LanguageC


To run the OS

  • First rename long ass _lac.... folder name to mp3
  • Make the kernel using sudo make inside student-distrib
  • Open the test_debug by running windows_run.bat on the windows machine
    • You cannot run this inside of QEMU
  • Run the script to target the test_debug machine by running gdb -x test_os.sh on the devel machine
    • Note that this does not allow for debugging with GDB. To be able to debug with GDB:
      • Run gdb bootimg
      • Once in GDB, run target remote (make sure test_devel window is open)
      • Run c to start executing OS

ECE391 MP3 - Package contents


This program takes a flat source directory (i.e. no subdirectories in the source directory) and creates a filesystem image in the format specified for this MP. Run it with no parameters to see usage.


This program takes a 32-bit ELF (Executable and Linking Format) file - the standard executable type on Linux - and converts it to the executable format specified for this MP. The output filename is .converted.


This directory contains the source for the fish animation program. It can be compiled two ways - one for your operating system, and one for Linux using an emulation layer. The Makefile is currently set up to build "fish" for your operating system using the elfconvert utility described above. If you want to build a Linux version, do "make fish_emulated". You can then run fish_emulated as superuser at a standard Linux console, and you should see the fish animation.


This is the directory from which your filesystem image was created. It contains versions of cat, fish, grep, hello, ls, and shell, as well as the frame0.txt and frame1.txt files that fish needs to run. If you want to change files in your OS's filesystem, modify this directory and then run the "createfs" utility on it to create a new filesystem image.


This file.


This is the directory that contains the source code for your operating system. Currently, a skeleton is provided that will build and boot you into protected mode, printing out various boot parameters. Read the INSTALL file in that directory for instructions on how to set up the bootloader to boot this OS.


This directory contains a basic system call library that is used by the utility programs such as cat, grep, ls, etc. The library provides a C interface to the system calls, much like the C library (libc) provides on a real Linux/Unix system. A few support functions have also been written (things like strlen, strcpy, etc.) that are used by the utility programs. The Makefile is set up to build these programs for your OS.