
Demonstrate how to use MVVM to achieve clean architecture on Android

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


List the top 100 restaurants nearby. This demo app is to demonstrate how to strcuture Android app under clean architecture principle.

App architecture


Tech stack

  • Programming language: Kotlin
  • Architecture pattern: Model-View-Viewmodel(MVVM)
  • Asynchronous Programming: RxJava2, Kotlin Coroutines
  • Dependency Injeciton: Dagger2
  • Network request: Retrofit
  • Android Architecture components: LiveData, Paging library


  1. Add your Zomato API key in your gradle.properties

PS: you can also use my dev KEY for temopratry testing 4c1159fee21201ebbced7f642f3530b5