
A sample application to get started using Git hooks with Grunt.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Explanatory blog post for this demo is available on Viget.com

  1. Download and install Node.js
  2. Clone this repository
  3. On the command line, type npm install nodemon -g to install the nodemon library globally. If it complains about user permissions type sudo npm install nodemon -g.
  4. If you have installed Grunt globally in the past, you will need to remove it first by typing npm uninstall -g grunt. If it complains about user permissions, type sudo npm uninstall -g grunt.
  5. Next, install the latest version of Grunt by typing npm install -g grunt-cli. If it complains about user permissions, type sudo npm install -g grunt-cli.
  6. Navigate inside of the grunt-git-hooks-demo folder and type npm install
  7. Next, type nodemon (this will start your Node.js web server and restart the server any time you make a file change thanks to the wonderful nodemon library)
  8. To view the demo page, go to http://localhost:8001
  9. To view the Jasmine test suite page, go to http://localhost:8001/specRunner.html

Git Hooks Setup

Type grunt githooks to set up the pre-commit hook specified in Gruntfile.js. You may also type grunt since githooks is a default task in this example.