CLIENT appname Frontend

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 12.2.8.

See the project's Teams wiki for more details on the app.

CLIENT appname (app name changed to WHS - Wildlife Health Survey) is a public (anonymous access) animal observation app. The app is PWA enabled and has several offline features. It collects a location point from the user and a series of dropdown questions.

It works in conjunction with an API and a companion internal only review app maintained by CLIENT.

No VPN access is required to access the API but VPN access is required to access the internal app/CLIENT's TFS repo. You do not need access to the internal app to develop for this app though.

Use the TG private Bitbucket as the primary source code repo while developing and then ensure that the latest copy is provided to CLIENT in their TFS Repo if any changes are made.

Get started

There is a local mock dev API (outlined below in Code Review section) but it is out of date at this point. For local dev, would instead recommend, pointing to the (already set in the environment.ts file) CLIENT QA API. You may also see reference to a dummy firebase API. This API is no longer fucntional but is a good alternative to the local DB method if you need to make quick edits and the CLIENT API is unavailable or currently under development. A firebase realtime database API can be stood up using JSON and a free account.


  1. Run npm install to gather dependencies.

  2. Add overrides.json as seen below if not already present.

  3. Run npm start to boot the web server and access on http://localhost:4200/.

Development server

Run ng serve or npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Testing PWA locally

The Webpack dev server above will not work with the PWA service worker. To test offline/PWA feautures locally you must build the project locally and then serve the build out.

Recommend the node package http-server for this after using the npm run build-local command.

For more info on working with Ng PWAs:


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. npm scripts will auto-increment minor app version on npm build.

To build for QA run npm run build-qa.

To build for PROD run npm run build-prod.

Builds are provided in a zipped folder via basecamp to the client to be deployed to the respective environment (IIS server).


npm run build will automatically call minor-version to adjust the project version. Else, you can manually run npm run minor-version to increment the minor version or you can manually alter package.json and package-lock.json.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Use bitbucket as the primary repo: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Generally follows a gitflow workflow but there is no CI/CD. Builds are produced manually with npm and sent to CLIENT as zip files.

Backup any builds in CLIENT's TFS repo. Will require VPN access to CLIENT.

Running unit tests - No tests beyond the boilerplate were added

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests - No tests beyond the boilerplate were added

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.

Code Overview



Contains shared components/services/directives/etc. That can be used across apps.

Be sure to register entities in src\app\_shared\modules\shared.module.ts.

Page views

Each route is broken up into a main view which is then composed of specific and shared components.

Views can be foudn here: src\app\views

with routes found here:


GIS Data

GIS data for offline maps and for state spatial validaiton can be found in:



PWA config can be modified here:


Local mock API

Deprecated - just use CLIENT API or a firebase API if needed. However, content for this can be found in:


and a mock API server can be started with:

npm start api

Note, if using a firebase API, will need to make useTestApi = true in the environemnts.ts file.

This will make requests skip an HTTP intercept token routine (needed for the actual API) and append ".json" to the end of API reuqests (required by firebase).



data: Check LastPass


    "clientAccess": "",
    "clientSec": "",
    "appnameU": "",
    "appnameP": ""