
Lightweight boilerplate for javascript/typescript web app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Quickly build a web app with typescript and react

This originally was an idea for a bundler (you can see the readme at this commit bece93ceb6fb2c4ad042dbf6046da87942df99f3), but since there's already some pretty awesome bundlers out there, I decided to just make this some boiler plate for starting new projects.


  • Finish with todos in source code
  • Add a mock app with memory backed collections, client code, and server code all in the same process (should be importable both in the browser & node)
  • Add testing
  • Create the minimal front end react app
  • Create a server side router and routes
  • More advanced stuff like server side rendering & progressive web apps, etc.

Documentation for features that may not exist yet

Getting started

yarn && yarn start

Adding features

To add a new client route yarn run add view NewFeature '' '/some-url' To add a new client view component yarn run add view NewFeature '' To add a new server endpoint yarn run add endpoint NewFeature '' '/api/some-url' To add a new shared component yarn run add function NewFeature or yarn run add NewFeature class To add a new database collection yarn run add data NewFeature '' 'collection-name'