
BUILDSbot 12 Ounce is part of the overarching BUILDSbot project. The goal is to create a functional robot which can take commands from a USB serial connection (possibly move to a wireless connection eventually). The robot should also be capable of doing line following as its main function. USB connectivity is simply for testing and possibly to help simplify future wireless based communication schemes.

Specifications and Goals

  • Tiny, lightweight and easy to make.
  • Takes commands over USB.
  • Line Following
  • Motor adjustments to drive in a true straight line



Motor Controller

Optical Detectors

Full Schematic


Code Overview


Video of the BUILDSbot doing some basic movements (pre-programmed)

Credits and Notes

Many schematic elements ATMEGA32U4 and the USB jack were taken from the adafruit eagle library, converted to kicad, checked and tweaked.

Design files for the prototype are in EAGLE format, but future iterations are being done in KiCAD