
Webthumbnail is module ZF2, will help you to generate screenshots of your website based on the API webthumbnail.org

Primary LanguagePHP


This module ZF2 will help you to generate screenshots of your website based on the API webthumbnail.org


With composer

  1. Add to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "cwplus/web-thumbnail": "dev-master"
  2. Now tell composer to download MvlabsSnappy by running the command:

    $ php composer.phar update

Or just clone the repos:

# Install ZF2 Module
git clone https://github.com/cwplus/web-thumbnail.git vendor/cwplus/web-thumbnail

Post installation

  1. Enabling it in your application.config.phpfile.

    return array(
        'modules' => array(
            // ...
        // ...


After installing Webthumbnail, copy ./vendor/cwplus/Webthumbnail/config/webthumbnail.local.php.dist to ./config/autoload/webthumbnail.local.php and change the binaries path and add path to saved web thumbs image.

# /config/autoload/webthumbnail.local.php
return array(
        'path'=> './public/files/site/',


The module registers one service : WebthumbnailService

Calling webthumbnail Service

 $WebthumbnailService = $this->serviceLocator->get('WebthumbnailService')->setUrl('http://www.creationwebplus.be');

If you want to change the folder to save of screenshots website

 $WebthumbnailService = WebthumbnailService->setPath('./public/files/site/');

If you want to declare the width or height of the image created : ( 100 < width < 500; 100 < height < 500 )


$WebthumbnailService = WebthumbnailService->setWidth(250);


$WebthumbnailService = WebthumbnailService->setHeight(250);

If you want to declare image format ( supprted format : jpg,png, or gif )

$WebthumbnailService = WebthumbnailService->setFormat('png');

If you want to declare image format ( supprted format : jpg,png, or gif )

$WebthumbnailService = WebthumbnailService->setFormat('png');

If you wante to declare a screen resolution (1024, 1280, 1650 or 1920) :

$WebthumbnailService = WebthumbnailService->setScreen(1024);

Save a screenshot to path


Generate a screenshot from an URL



Webthumbnail module is based on the API of webthumbnail.org