
nginx config files for my server

Primary LanguagePowerShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense



I switched to Caddy using my caddy-config

nginx config files for my server

With the fun addition of a PowerShell Rick Rolling script

This configuration ensures A+ rating with 100/100/100/100 and without blacklisted ciphers for http/2 on Qualys SSL Labs (as of 2017-08-28)

This configuration uses automated ECDSA certificate from Let's Encrypt via Alexey Samoshkins docker-letsencrypt-certgen Docker image

If you have any questions regarding nginx setup, Let's Encrypt certificates and so on I'd be glad to help, just contact me via Twitter @CWRau or via email cwrau@cwrcoding.com, both preferably pgp signed and encrypted to my key.

The crontabs I use to keep the repo up to date and renew the Let's Encrypt certificates is;

0 0 */15 * * cd /websites/nginx-config && ./updatesslcerts.sh 0
* * *    * * cd /websites/nginx-config && [ ! -f pause ] && ( /usr/bin/git fetch --all && bash needs_pull.sh && ( git clean -fd && git reset origin/master --hard && docker-compose exec -T nginx nginx -s reload ) )