
CWRC ontology - primary repository

Primary LanguageHTML


CWRC related ontology data.

cwrc.owl - The main ontology in rdf/xml serialization. genre.owl - The genre ontology in rdf/xml serialization.

http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc.html and http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/genre.html is the provisional / working copy (change to .owl, .ttl, .n3, etc... for other serialization). Updated on a continual basis with each copy.

http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontology/cwrc.html and http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontology/genre.html is the currently deployed ontology (change to .owl, .ttl, .n3, etc... for other serialization).

cwrc.ttl - The main ontology in turtle serialization (converted from rdf/xml).

The citations for the CWRC ontology are at http://beta.cwrc.ca/islandora/object/cwrc%3Aontologysources The citations for the Genre ontology are at http://beta.cwrc.ca/islandora/object/cwrc%3Agenreontologysources

cwrc-template-EN.html - Template for the CWRC Ontology documentation in English before the term generator is run. cwrc-template-FR.html - Template for the CWRC Ontology documentation in French before the term generator is run.

genre-template-EN.html - Template for the CWRC Genre Ontology documentation in English before the term generator is run. genre-template-FR.html - Template for the CWRC Genre Ontology documentation in French before the term generator is run.