
This is a very simple example of how to use nginx to act as a load balancer within docker-compose.

How it works

This project is really simple, it's built up from two parts:

  1. An nginx server
  2. A go server which just serves a simple message on the "/hello" endpoint with a message driven from an environment variable

There is then a docker-compose file which spins up one nginx server and two instances of the go server. Each of the go servers is running with a different message to server. The ports on these go servers aren't exposed outside of the docker-compose network, however, the nginx server is, that then balances requests between these two go servers automatically.

Running the project

To run the project you just need to run the following command:

docker-compose up -d

And then you can hit the end points using curl with:

curl localhost:8080/hello

You should see the message "Hello from service 1" or "Hello from service 2" depending on which server you hit.