
ShareTrace algorithm implementation using AWS and Giraph

Primary LanguageJava


This (incomplete) implementation follows the original design of the ShareTrace algorithm. This implementation assumes contacts are extracted from geolocation data, and not device proximity. Refer to this repo for an improved implementation.

Building from source

Note that the following instructions assumes IntelliJ is being used for the developer's IDE. This project is built with Gradle.

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Create a new project in IntelliJ (from existing sources).
  3. Select the folder that contains all the repo contents.
  4. From "Import project from external model," select Gradle.

To generate source code:

  1. Under Settings/Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processor , enable annotation processing.
  2. Select "Obtain processors from project classpath."
  3. Select "Module content root" for "Store generated sources relative to" and specify the desired directories to store the generated code.
  4. Under Build, run "Build Project."
  5. Under Project Structure > Modules > sharetrace-model > main, mark the directory specified as a generated source.