
  1. Untitled Master's Thesis (WIP) of @rtatton
    • Builds upon [2]:
      • Contextualizes ShareTrace as a mobile-crowdsensing application
      • Reformulates the ShareTrace algorithm in an online setting within the formal actor model
      • Proposes an application of local differential privacy to allow centralized population-level risk aggregation
      • Evaluates message reachability accuracy, efficiency, and scalability (similar to [2])
      • Evaluates the relationship between message passing, temporal concurrency, and user/contact data distributions
    • Code implementation
  2. ShareTrace: Contact Tracing with the Actor Model (arXiv,IEEE)
  3. ShareTrace: Contact Tracing with Asynchronous, Parallel Message Passing on a Temporal Graph
    • Non-iterative, asynchronous formulation of [4] using subnetwork actors (based on the distributed extension)
    • Proposes message reachability to quantify message-passing complexity on a temporal network
    • Evaluates message reachability accuracy, efficiency, and scalability
    • CHIL 2022 Conference Poster
    • Code implementation
  4. ShareTrace: An Iterative Message Passing Algorithm for Efficient and Effective Disease Risk Assessment on an Interaction Graph
    • Original design of the ShareTrace algorithm
    • Evaluates efficacy
    • Proposes a distributed extension
  5. ShareTrace: A Smart Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing Solution by Architectural Design During an Epidemic
    • Original whitepaper