Altmetric Programming Exercise

There are three data files:

  • journals.csv: a list of journal titles and ISSNs;
  • articles.csv: a list of article DOIs [0], titles and ISSNs;
  • authors.json: a list of author names and their article DOIs.

This ruby program combines these data files and outputs a single text file in one of two different formats:

  • CSV with columns of DOI, Article title, Author name, Journal title and Journal ISSN, e.g.

    10.1234/altmetric0,Small Wooden Chair,Amari Lubowitz,"Shanahan, Green and Ziemann",1337-8688
  • JSON as an array of objects with fields for DOI, title, author, journal and ISSN, e.g.

    { "doi": "10.1234/altmetric0", "title": "Small Wooden Chair", "author": "Amari Lubowitz", "journal": "Shanahan, Green and Ziemann", "issn": "1337-8688" }

ISSNs are always formatted as two groups of four digits separated by a hyphen, e.g. 1234-5678, but might be missing the hyphen in the source data.


$ ruby bin/combine --format json journals.csv articles.csv authors.json > full_articles.json

$ ruby bin/combine --format csv journals.csv articles.csv authors.json > full_articles.csv


After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies. Then, run rake to run the tests.