
A command-line-operated ToDo program.

Primary LanguageC

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A command-line task tracker.

I use the command line all the time. Git, Vim, shell scripting, you name it. While I use other external tools to keep track of large tasks and goals (such as Notion), I always find myself finding ways to keep track of smaller tasks without having to leave the terminal. (Such as: echo "TODO: 1. <this> 2. <that> 3. <profit>", and git commit -m "finished <this>. TODO NEXT: <that>".)

This inspired me to look into creating a command-line ToDo tracker. While there are some great solutions already out in the world, I was itching to write some C code after a college semester of Rust, JavaScript, and Java. ttydo is the result.

Installation and Usage

To install, run make install (with or without sudo as necessary). This should build the program and move it to /usr/local/bin. If you'd like to install it in another location, run make install INSTALL_LOCATION=<path>.

Using ttydo is pretty simple. Extensive 'help' menus are displayed for every possible command. To view them, execute ttydo help. Each command has sub-commands, such as task add or task delete. These can be viewed by adding help after the command name (such as task help).

Task Storage

To store task lists, ttydo attempts to create and write files to ~/.ttydo. These .tasklist files are in plaintext and in a comma-separated format.


Here's an example of what a single task list in ttydo might look like:

┌─ This Afternoon's Code ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ [ ] Fix header file: Fix <whatever>.h's function definitions to use uint16_ts instead of ints.     │
│ [X] Implement search/sort: Implement a way to search for <whatevers> and sort them by <whatever>.  │
│ [ ] Create PR: Create a pull request once all the above tasks are done.                            │
├─ Progress ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ 33%  ├██████████████████████████████─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │

If you happen to stumble across this repo and have ideas of your own, feel free to share them with me, or open up a pull request!