
rpi phd thesis

Primary LanguageTeX

clone the repos listed as submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update


latexmk -r latexmkrc.<OS>
latexmk -pdf -outdir=anc announcement_wrapper
cd presentation
latexmk -r latexmkrc.<OS>

Create a diff marked pdf

download latexpand

git clone git@gitlab.com:latexpand/latexpand.git

download git-latexdiff

wget https://gitlab.com/git-latexdiff/git-latexdiff/raw/master/git-latexdiff

make it executable

chmod +x git-latexdiff

run the diff script

./scripts/do_gitlatexdiff.sh <old sha1> <new sha1>

find active references

First, build the document so that out/cws-thesis.bbl exists. Then, run the following script from the thesis directory:


check references

Run the following scripts to create tex files with each type of reference:

./scripts/getActiveRefs.sh  > refs.txt
./scripts/makeLatexFromActiveRefs.py --refs refs.txt

Run latexmk to build the resulting latex files:

latexmk -r latexmkrc.refs.linux

find grammer issues

First, install language tool as described here: https://danious.wordpress.com/2013/10/07/grammar-latex/

An install on scorec is available here:


Create a symbolic link to the latexgrammer.sh script in the thesis directory:

ln -s /users/cwsmith/software/languageTool/latexgrammer.sh

Next, create a list of all active tex files and call it 'scripts/texFiles.txt'. Then run the following script from the thesis directory:
