
Windows Python Sudoku Solver using backtracking algorithm.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

👀 Sudoku Solver - Python 3.8+

Python Sudoku solver using backtracking algorithm and the great Pandas package.


Note: Green numbers in the screenshot above represent input values from the puzzle file.


  • Windows OS (tested for Windows 10)
  • Windows Terminal supporting ANSI Escape Sequences (for cursor positioning and colors)
  • Python packages: pandas and csutils.cterm

Installation (Linux/Windows WSL)

The setup below assumes that Python 3, PIP and venv are already installed on your Linux or Windows WSL system.

git clone https://github.com/cwsoft/sudoku.git
cd ./sudoku
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Basic usage

Prepare a textfile with a Sudoku puzzle you can´t solve or you are too lazy to do manually. A Sudoko puzzle file consists of numbers [0-9] placed in a 9x9 grid, where the number 0 indicates a free slot. The column numbers in each row needs to be separated with a single space. Use # at the beginning of a line for adding comments to the puzzle file.

Hint: Invoke the script with --interactive to see the backtracking algorithm in action.

usage: sudoku.py [-h] [--space SPACE] [--interactive] sudokufile

positional arguments:
  sudokufile     Input file with Sudoku puzzle to solve.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --space SPACE  Char used for free puzzle slots [Default: '.'].
  --interactive  Outputs each single step (may slowdown hard problems).


The Python Sudoku solver is published under MIT License.

Have fun cwsoft