
A Node.js Yelp clone using Campsites

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Node.js Yelp clone using Campsites

Technologies Used: Node.js, MongoDB, Express, Javascript, body-parser, passport, connect-flash

Why did I create it?

I created this project to practice my CRUD and creating RESTful routes with Node.js. Also, I wanted to integrate a noSQL database in MongoDB, which proved to be very, very cool.

What's it for?

This site is meant to help others locate campsites within their area. Here in Texas there are a ton of places to go!

What's cool about it?

What's not to love about a one-stop-shop for finding your favorite campsite. Whether it's for a date or just to hang with friends, this is the place for your campsite needs.

How does it help people?

The more and more people that use YelpCamp, the better the credibility of the reviews and ability to point camp seekers in the right direction.