
UNet with Lightning Attention

Primary LanguagePython

Lightning Unet

Lihgtning Unet is unet with Lightning Attention for Image Segmentation


Environment Requirements

  • Python 3.6 or later
  • CUDA <= 11.7 (Only Tested On 11.3, On RTX4090, a high CUDA Version will lead to error)
  • GPU RAM >= 16GB (For Batch 12)
  • Requirements for Lightning Attention

Clone this repo and install python packages

git clone 
cd LightningUNet
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download Pretrained Model

Download model from Pretrained Model


Download Dataset

Download Dataset, and convert them to slices

cd tools

python convert_ct.py    # convert Dataset701_AbdomenCT to slices
python convert_mr.py    # convert Dataset701_AbdomenMR to slices


Run the bash Script or run python Script manually

bash train.sh

python train.py --cfg configs/m.yaml --dataset ../Dataset701_SlicesCT --epochs 200 --output model --base_lr 0.05 --batch_size 12


The Dataloader can load both volume and slice dataset, However, the train Script can only accept slices, so that we can train the model with batchs


Due to Linear Attention, the model loss coming down is slow


Run the bash Script or run python Script manually

The Inference Script can accept both slices and volumes, for slices, only one slice will be inferenced

bash inference.sh

python inference.py --data ../Dataset701_AbdomenCT --output ./prediction --model ./model/pretrained.pth
