
IP&M: Dealing with Textual Noise for Robust and Effective BERT Re-ranking

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository contains the code and resources for our paper:


Textual Noise Simulation

In information retrieval (IR) community, there is a lack of available parallel clean and noisy dataset to support a noise-robustness investigation on BERT re-ranker. Meanwhile, it is usually infeasible to clean the unstructured raw text within millions of documents in a noisy dataset, and a more common approach is to inject synthetic textual noise into a relatively clean dataset.

Thus, to carry out a quantitative study, we choose to simulate different within-document textual noises, including NrSentH, NrSentM, NrSentT, DupSent, RevSent, NoSpace, RepSyns, ExtraPunc, NoPunc, MisSpell. You can find more details of these textual noises in our paper (in Section 2.2). Herein, you can use simulate_textual_noise.py script to insert synthetic textual noise into top candidate documents or into the whole corpus. Before using it, you may need to install TextFlint, spaCy and NLTK toolkits.

# insert one specific noise into top candidates
python simulate_textual_noise.py --simulate_mode 'top'
                                 --qrels_file # annotations
                                 --top_file # top candidate file
                                 --query_file # query file 
                                 --output_pairs_file # output noisy top candidate file
                                 --noise_type 'NrSentH' or others

# insert all types of nosie into original corpus
python simulate_textual_noise.py --simulate_mode 'corpus'
                                 --corpus_file # corpus file 
                                 --output_corpus_file # output noisy corpus file

Besides, we have released our generated synthetic noisy data that is based on popular MS MARCO passage dataset in Resources for future research, including a noisy version of MS MARCO corpus (MS MARCO w/ Noise), and all noisy initial ranking lists on three test sets used in our experiments.

Model Training

Before training, you need to create a new environment conda create -n deranker python=3.7, and install a few basic packages, such as torch==1.3.0, tensorflow==1.14.0 and apex==0.1.

As for the training data, we use sample_train_qidpidtriples.py script to sample a set of train triples from the official file qidpidtriples.train.full.2.tsv to construct our original training data D_O, and we also need to convert training samples into features using convert_triples_to_features.py script before feeding them into the model. For reproducibility, we have released our sampled train triple ids file qidpidtriples.train.full.2.sampled.p1n10.ids.tsv in Resources.

BERT_O / BERT_O+N: This is vanilla BERT re-ranker, using a cross-entropy loss to fine-tune a BERT model with a two-class classification layer. BERT_O is only trained on the original training data D_O. As for simple noise augmentation, we replace the original text in D_O with the corresponding noisy version in MS MARCO w/ Noise to construct the noisy training data D_N. Then, we can add noisy training samples in D_N into D_O to obtain augmented training dataD_O+N, which is used to train BERT_O+N. For both BERT_O and BERT_O+N, please refer to vanilla_bert_finetune.sh for the model training.

De-Ranker: This is our proposed noise-tolerant BERT re-ranker, by learning a noise-invariant relevance prediction or representation. We design two versions of De-Ranker using two kinds of denoising methods, namely, Dynamic-Denoising and Static-Denoising, according to whether the supervision signal from original text is changed or not during training. Similarly, we can insert the noisy version of original text in MS MARCO w/ Noise into D_O to obtain a parallel training data D_O-N. For both De-Ranker_DD and De-Ranker_SD, please refer to deranker_finetune_dd.sh and deranker_finetune_sd.sh for the model training, respectively. Note that, De-Ranker_SD is further denoised on top of BERT_O.

Robustness Evaluation

We provide run_bert_rerank_eval.sh script to perform re-ranking on initial ranking lists with original or noisy texts. Before re-ranking, we need to convert query-passage pairs into input features using convert_pairs_to_features.py script. We have released our used evaluation data in Resources, wherein each test set (Dev, TREC 2019-2020 DL) contains one original initial ranking list with relatively clean text, and other ten types of noisy initial ranking lists. By comparing re-ranking results of BERT_O on these initial ranking lists, we can examine the individual impact of different synthetic textual noises.

In our experiments, we also investigate whether these BERT re-rankers, especially our proposed De-Ranker, can effectively tackle natural textual noise in real-world text. That is, we further use 4 widely-used IR datasets (TREC CAR, ClueWeb09-B, Gov2 and Robust04) for zero-shot robustness testing, wherein ClueWeb09-B and Gov2 datasets contain lots of textual noise. After preparing the data, you can produce initial ranking list in the format of q_id \t p_id \t q_text \t p_text \n, and use convert_pairs_to_features.py and run_bert_rerank_eval.sh scripts for this zero-shot evaluation.

Besides, we use other 14 publicly available datasets in the BEIR benchmark to examine the zero-shot domain transfer ability of these BERT re-rankers, which is more in line with practical applications. Herein, we provide run_beir_retrieve_rerank.sh script for both retrieval and re-ranking on the BEIR benchmark. You may need to download and turn on Elasticsearch, and use an another environment with torch==1.11.0, sentence-transformers==2.2.0, transformers==4.18.0, and beir==1.0.0.


Synthetic Noisy Data:

  1. Noisy version of MS MARCO: MS MARCO (w/ Noise)

    • It is parallel to original MS MARCO passage corpus: collection.tsv
    • Format: p_id \t p_text \t noise_type \n
  2. Noisy initial ranking list:

    MS MARCO Dev TREC 2019 DL TREC 2020 DL
    docT5query top-100 BM25 top-1000 BM25 top-1000
    Download Download Download

    Herein, we take the initial ranking lists on TREC 2019 DL Track as an example. In each link folder, it contains 11 files, one is relatively clean with original text, and others are noisy ones.

    • Clean: dl19_43_bm25_1k_Clean_text.tar.gz, BM25 top-1000 candidates with original clean text.
    • Noisy: dl19_43_bm25_1k_{noise_type}_text.tar.gz, 10 separate top files with different types of textual noise.
    • Format: q_id \t p_id \t q_text \t p_text \n


We release our main re-rankers for future research, they are based on three different backbones and all of them are trained on original and noisy MS MARCO passage datasets.

  1. BERT-Base:

    BERT_O De-Ranker_DD De-Ranker_SD
    Download Download Download
  2. ELECTRA-Base*:

    ELECTRA_O De-Ranker_DD De-Ranker_SD
    Download Download Download
  3. ALBERT-Base*:

    ALBERT_O De-Ranker_DD De-Ranker_SD
    Download Download Download

    *The training of our ELECTRA-based and ALBERT-based rerankers is based on their PyTorch implementations, namely, electra_pytorch and albert_pytorch. You may need to modify the run_classifier.py script appropriately on the basis of our fine-tuning scripts in this repo.

Train Triples:

The train triples used in our model training: Train Triples.

  • Format: query id \t positive id \t negative id \n
  • It contains 400782 train queries and 4170450 train triples.
  • Each positive passage is coupled with at most 10 negative passages.
  • A train query may have more than one positive passages.


If you find our paper/resources useful, please cite:

  author  = {Xuang Chen and
             Ben He and
             Kai Hui and
             Le Sun and
             Yingfei Sun},
  title   = {Dealing with textual noise for robust and effective BERT re-ranking},
  journal = {Information Processing & Management},
  volume  = {60},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {103135},
  year    = {2023}