
Port of the Sphero Robotix Android API to desktop (some modifications)

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Note this is a fork of the API from nicklasgav Sphero-Desktop-API

Please use that as the primary source.

Development Quick Start Guide



Works in Windows, Mac and Linux (In linux an extra Bluecove library named Bluecove GPL located at
http://bluecove.org/bluecove-gpl/ may be needed to get the API working)

Only tested on Windows and Mac (10.7). A hardware bluetooth module is required to allow for the connection
between Sphero and desktop. All bluetooth modules supported by bluecove should work just fine with the API.
If there is anything that doesn't work, feel free to contact me (I will respond when time allows it).


Sphero API Desktop Port will work with Netbeans and Eclipse out of the box (hopefully ;))

There already exists files that support importing the API directly into Eclipse or Netbeans without creating a new project and setting up the classpaths if you download the source code directly.

If you instead download the .zip file that contains the compressed version of the library it already got all necessary native libraries included and you just need to include the jar file together with the java doc in your project.

Source Compiling

If you are gonna compile the code directly there is a small script that will compile a releasable version of the API named compile.sh. The compile script requires the "ant" and "zip" command and uses the build.xml file to compile the code into a single .jar file.


The above command will compile the source into the dist/ directory and create a .zip file in the base dir that contains both the .jar file.

./compile.sh 1

The above command will compile the source the same way as the previous command and will also generate the java doc for the source code into the dist/ directory and also include this in the zip file.

There may be bugs in both the compile script and the build file if you are building it as its only been tested on a single workstation during the development.

To manually compile the code directly using ant you may run

ant nojavadoc

to compile the code into dist/ without the java doc or you can run

ant withjavadoc

to compile the code into dist/ WITH the java doc.

How to use the API


The API is similar to that of the original Orbotix Sphero API with some modifications to support connecting to multiple Sphero devices simultaniously and sending individual commands to these. There is examples in the se.nicklasgavelin.sphero.example package that will show a quick example of how to use the API.

To connect to a Sphero device you may either perform a bluetooth device search as shown in one of the examples or you can use the direct bluetooth address to connect to it directly without having to perform a search. Although the second method will prevent some commands to be performed correctly and the bluetooth name will not be retrieved properly.

String id = "<BluetoothIdForSphero>";
Bluetooth bt = new Bluetooth( this, Bluetooth.SERIAL_COM );
BluetoothDevice btd = new BluetoothDevice( bt, "btspp://" + id + ":1;authenticate=true;encrypt=false;master=false" );
Robot r = new Robot( btd );

if( r.connect() )
	// Successfully connected to Sphero device
	// may start sending commands now

	// Send a RGB command that will turn the RGB LED red
	r.sendCommand( new RGBCommand( 255, 0, 0 ) );

	// Send a roll command to the Sphero with a given heading
	// Notice that we havn't calibrated the Sphero so we don't know
	// which way is which atm.
	r.sendCommand( new RollCommand( 1, 180, false ) );

	// Now send a time delayed command to stop the Sphero from
	// rolling after 2500 ms (2.5 seconds)
	r.sendCommand( new RollCommand( 1, 180, true ), 2500 );
	// Failed to connect to Sphero device due to an error

Notice that you can add a RobotListener to the Robot object to get events and responses from the Sphero device

r.addListener( <RobotListener> );

Macro usage

For creating and sending macros there are two different methods. One is streaming a macro to the Sphero which allows for larger macros than the normal method. When streaming you record your macro and then asks the Robot.class to send the macro to the Sphero using the streaming method. The Robot.class then divides the macro into chunks and sends them when there is enough required space on the Sphero device to store and run the macro.

Notice that macro usage was not supported until later versions of this API and if you have an older version I
suggest you pull the newest one from the repository.

Normal method

The normal method is the default method and can be run like this.

<Already created and connected to Robot r>

// Create our macro object (seen as a command)
MacroObject mo = new MacroObject();

// Add macro commands to the macro object
mo.addCommand( new RGBSD2( Color.RED ) );
mo.addCommand( new Delay( 2000 ) );
mo.addCommand( new RGBSD2( Color.BLUE ) );
mo.addCommand( new Delay( 2000 ) );

// Send the macro object to the Sphero
r.sendCommand( mo );

The above example will first turn the Sphero RED and stay RED for two seconds. Then it will quickly turn BLUE and stay that way for another two seconds and then it should return to its original state.

So the above command describes the normal method for sending a single macro. Although this method only allows for up to 256 byte macros (including surrounding packet headers). So instead a better method is to use the streaming method described below.

Cached streaming method

The cached streaming method is similar to the normal method with the difference that a huge macro is divided into chunks instead of being transmitted in its complete form.

<Already created and connected to Robot r>

MacroObject mo = new MacroObject();
// .... As in previous example

// Set cached streaming mode
mo.setMode( MacroObject.MacroObjectMode.CachedStreaming );

// Send the command to the Sphero
r.sendCommand( mo );

Experimental code

There are some code that is experimental and is implemented and tested in the "experimental" package. You can look there from time to time to see what is up and example methods and usages of the Sphero device.

Notice however that this code is not under any documentation requirements and may or may not work at time, temporarily lock
your Sphero (will require a "reboot" by setting it in the charger until it turns off by blinking in a range of colors) or
may in some cases literally run your Sphero into the wall (speed and special movement experiments).

So folks, no promices about experimental code! Sphero is after all our own little gunnie pig ;-)

Contact & Suggestions

If you think this README file doesn't cover all it should (as much as a basic readme file should) or if you have some suggestions for improvements please send me a mail at nicklas.gavelin@gmail.com.


This Sphero API port was developed during my thesis work at Luleå University of Technology, http://www.ltu.se, and for the SITE project. Updates are pushed when time is found during the thesis work (as this is only a part of my work development will not solely be aimed at this API).

The API was developed by Nicklas Gavelin, http://nicklasgavelin.se from backwards-engineering of the original Android API for Sphero that was developed by Orbotix.


There is no guarantee that packages will maintain their naming standard or that classes will be left intact. Although I'm trying to keep the impact on previous versions as small as possible regarding compatibility (although as in new projects this isn't always possible).

Sphero versions

This API is tested on Sphero robotic balls with versions:


I can't guarantee that it will work on older/newer versions of the Sphero ball.


Read the LICENSE file for more information :-)
