
a simple local json http mock tool

MIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to mock-man 👋

Version Documentation License: MIT

a simple local json http mock tool executable



  • download the latetes zip package, and unzip it

  • switch the folder ,open the cmd , and input the cmd as follows


    windows 7 is not supported.

  • if you can see as follows, it starts success img.png


  • download the latetes zip package, and unzip it

  • do other steps like windows

  • if you run the startup cmd, you may get


  • please agree the trust mock-man app in the mac Privacy & Security settings

    the mock-man have been tested in the amd mac pc.


start server

if you use windows, run


you can also view the start options use -h

config request

when the server started,if the port is 8000, you can visit the to config the request

if match_method is ALL, it means the req body json should full match
if match_method is ANY, it means that any req body will match success if the ant url matches

visit the http endpoint

after you have add a simple api endpoint(/boy), you can visit the localhost:8000/boy as follows img_1.png


👤 cxiaoer

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Feel free to check issues page.

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